


Arizona (AZ) Kannada Kali

1. Let’s make AZ Kannada Kali into a sustainable, structured body that can continue to operate even when we no longer are engaged

2. Enable grade certification-based learning so that kids and parents know their progress and achievement. Conduct exams and Issue certificates

3. Periodic meeting of kids from all of AZ Kannada Kali to have competitive and cultural activities

4. Enable content creation and resource sharing

5. The objective of Kannada Kali is not just about elementary education in Kannada but infuse a way to increase the presence of language in the family.

Retention of language is mostly dependent on whether a family has Kannada at home. Just an hour of weekly Kannada Kali cannot do magic

6. The Kannada Kali approach should incentivize learning for kids. Kids need to find something of interest in learning a language, not because of parental pressure

The social currency of Kannada is important for all, especially kids

Entertainment in Kannada is a very important part of motivating, continuing to keep kids engaged in learning the language

Conscious effort by parents to watch Kannada programs is important

7. Our valley Kannada Kali model is a cooperative society.

This is different from the school model where designated teachers teach ONLY kids while parents just drop off kids into class.

We want parents to be part of the Kannada Kali. Parental engagement is key to the long-term sustenance of the language.

Engage each parent in different roles of Kannada Kali – teaching Songs, stories, artwork, dance, other cultural activities, administration activities like checking homework, etc.

8. Kannada Academy has done considerable work and let us find ways to work together and make Kannada Kali model better

9. Kannada as a Foreign Language for High School kids is a great incentive for Kannada Kali kids as they get ready for High School in a few years.

This will help us academically and also our collective interest in retaining the language.

10. We shall start exploring what it takes to enable Kannada as a Foreign Language for High School here

11. As Kannada Kali kids progress in learning, we can engage 12+ year-old kids as teacher assistants so that

– kids continue to be engaged in Kannada Kali

– obtain volunteer credits for their effort

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